Temple High School Athletics

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Temple High School
Sports Medicine

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Wildcat Sports Medicine staff is to ensure a balance between the competitive edge and the health and safety of the student-athletes competing. It is our responsibility and duty to provide an objective assessment of injured athletes and manage a safe return to competition.

Our primary concern is the health of the student-athlete. We achieve this by providing early and accurate recognition of athletic related injuries and the supervision of a comprehensive, athlete-specific rehabilitation program.

What is an Athletic Trainer?

Athletic trainers are medical professionals who specialize in the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses that occur to athletes and the physically active. As part of a complete health care team, the athletic trainer works under the direction a licensed physician and in cooperation with other health care professionals.

Practice Settings:

Athletic trainers can be found almost anywhere people are physically active. Whether it is on the playing field or in an industrial work setting, athletic trainers are in place to help active people prevent injuries and stay healthy. Here are some of the places you will find them:

  • Secondary Schools
  • Colleges and universities
  • Professional sports
  • Sports medicine clinics
  • Military
  • Industrial and commercial