Temple High School Athletics

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Come join the Team Behind the Team of Temple Athletics

Are you interested in becoming a student athletic trainer?  ATS Candidate Information

Our Athletic Training Student program here at Temple is a great opportunity for students to be involved with athletics, while learning valuable sports medicine skills. Athletic Training Students (ATS) are a crucial part of ensuring the health and safety of our student-athletes. Under the supervision of the Athletic Trainers, ATS have the opportunity to be on the sidelines of practices and games, aid with hydration, field set-up, athletic training room inventory and cleanliness, basic first aid, and learn taping/wrapping of athletic injuries. 

Do you know what an ATS does at THS, check this out and see.

The field of sports medicine can be very rewarding; however, it can also be challenging. Being in the Athletic Training Student Program is a big-time commitment and it will require hard work, determination, self-discipline, teamwork, and responsibility. All ATSs are expected to show up for practices and games of their assigned sports, and assist the Athletic Trainers when needed. In our program, education comes first, and we are always willing to work with our students if they are struggling to meet the demands of the program while staying on top of their grades. Students in this program are held to the same standard expected of our student-athletes and will adhere to the Temple SD Athletic Policy. 

All our ATS are expected to take the Sports Medicine class, which will help them learn about the athletic training profession, relevant anatomy and physiology, recognize injuries, and learn taping/wrapping techniques. All students interested in participating in the program will be required to take the Sports Medicine class starting in the fall of the 2024-2025 school year.

Thank you for taking the first step and being interested in our program.  We set high expectations for all; we want you to be successful in High School and in life.  If you know anyone that is interested in the Temple ATS program, please send them the link, and complete the google form.   ATS Candidate Information

Thank you,
Temple Athletic Training Staff

Windee Skrabanek –
Stephanie McKeel –
Mackenzie Lyon –