Temple High School Athletics

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Athletic Training Room Guidelines

Temple High School – (grades 9-12)

  • Daily hours are from 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • High School morning treatments start at 6:45am to 7:20am in the gym athletic training room (located in the back of the main gym at Temple HS)
  • Athletes must report to treatments if injured or need to be evaluated.
  • Athletes are responsible for all equipment issued (braces, crutches, modalities, etc…)
  • Athletes are required to shower prior to any treatments post practice
  • Shoes, of any kind are not allowed in training room
  • No food or drink of any kind are allowed in training room
  • No Cell phones or headphones/airpods in use while in the training room
  • Shirts and shorts are required to be worn in training room, no leggings/ crop tops.


Temple ISD Middle Schools – (grades 7-8)

  • Middle School morning treatments start at 7:00am-8:00am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday each week –
    Middle School Training room located at Travis SA (1551 S 25th St, Temple, TX 76504), next to back gym door entrance.
  • Athletes must report to treatments if injured or need to be evaluated or turn in doctor notes.
  • Athletes only inside the athletic training room, we ask parents to wait outside/in their vehicle.
  • Athletes are responsible for all equipment issued (braces, crutches, modalities, etc…)
  • Athletes are required to shower prior to any treatments post practice
  • Shoes, of any kind are not allowed in training room
  • No food or drink of any kind are allowed in training room
  • No Cell phones or headphones/airpods in use while in the training room
  • Shirts and shorts are required to be worn in training room


TISD Athletic Return to Play 

  • Any athlete returning to activity / participation from an injury must check in with Athletic Trainer before they are cleared to return to athletic activity.  All doctor notes must be turned into and reviewed by the athletic trainers.
    • HIGH SCHOOL – Athletes returning will need to check in before school starting at 6:45am – 7:20am in the gym athletic training room on the date of return.
    • MIDDLE SCHOOL – Middle School Athletic Training room located at Travis SA (1551 S 25th St, Temple, TX) – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday each week 7am-8am